AGM Will be held on Tuesday 26th November 2024
At the Cafe@35 Ock Street, Abingdon,
at 2.30pm
More ideas for fund raising and more members are needed to join the ACHLOF. If any friends are interested in joining the ACHLOF, please send subscriptions to The Treasurer
1 Willow Court Abingdon OX14 1ZB. Phone 01235 533171. Cheques payable to ACHLOF. Plus Name and address (and/or email address) for the newsletters.
Only £5.00 per person per year.
Email us on [email protected] or log on to our website for updates -
Help needed to update the website and gmail.
Charity No: 1015958
At the Cafe@35 Ock Street, Abingdon,
at 2.30pm
More ideas for fund raising and more members are needed to join the ACHLOF. If any friends are interested in joining the ACHLOF, please send subscriptions to The Treasurer
1 Willow Court Abingdon OX14 1ZB. Phone 01235 533171. Cheques payable to ACHLOF. Plus Name and address (and/or email address) for the newsletters.
Only £5.00 per person per year.
Email us on [email protected] or log on to our website for updates -
Help needed to update the website and gmail.
Charity No: 1015958